[ t h e  s c h r a m m s - dizzy spell ]
I am walking in a circle. By an unknown center bound. Don't know left or right for certain. I'm just spinning round and round. What keeps me so entangled? By what circuitry I shape? The symmetry of life uncertain, except by outside hand I wake? . 11 new songs. One old one. None of them are instrumentals. It has nothing to do with chairs or scissors. There are no lyrics made from poems by Emily Dickinson. There are lots of guitars on it. Three songs have the word wild* in the title. Lots of organ and piano, and some accordian and harpsichord. Al gets to play fuzz bass. And there are lots of guitars on it.
Two of the three songs that start with the word
w i l d
are on the first side. Of course, it is a CD, so there is only one side, but albums always seem to have two sides anyway.
There were alot of suggestions for album titles submitted by friends and by complete strangers
As you can see, none of them were any good...
2000 Lite Beers From Home Green Eggs and Schramms More Songs About Farms and Girls The Legend of Al's Pants Contact High Got Yer Nose Throw Like a Girl Living In Confusion The Schramms Play Dead The Schramms Do Shrooms The Angst Truck String Theory A Naked Withy Tow Sugar Leg Leroy Meat Coma The Schramms Love You Live at Al's House of Pies Poot Sounds Mild Honey The Schramms Meet The Beatles Life Is a Carnivore

While looking over the track sheets for this album, it became clear that there were lots and lots of guitars on tape. Of course not all of 'em have made it to the final mix. Here's a list of the vulgar self-indulgence, showing how many tracks of guitars were recorded for each song.
seven horses..........14 here and there.........8 tell me again and again.......25 wild innocence.............8 she gets the message.............14 wild and small.............10 wild season..............18 dizzy spell...............11 rogue's gallery............9 in hell's despite..............9 heal me now.............8 if i were ................10

Check here for more about the US release of Dizzy Spell.

* The link from the word "wild" above was the first result
of a query using the alta-vista search engine. The words used
wild season, wild innocence, and wild and small.
Be warned that the file size is near 900k.

site directory

01 june 04